"Amazon Prime Membership" 是什麼東西?
上個月要去日本, 想說先在Amazon JP 訂個電鍋寄到飯店,真得很方便很快,且免運費
"Amazon Prime Membership"的費用日幣3900 台幣約1090
立刻就回答我是Amazon 會員費 自動扣款(看來有很多人遇到)
後來在網路上 也找到有好心人做的教學(但是可能已經有點舊了,有些選項位置不一樣)我
這邊更新一下 讓需要又不太懂英文的朋友可以對照操作
[步驟1]:登入美國Amzon.com會員,點選「Your Account」>「Your Prime Membership」
[步驟2]:電擊 End Membership (左邊列)
[步驟3]:聯絡客服申請退費 Contact US
[步驟4]:點 Prime or something else
[步驟5]:到中間的"Tell us more about your issue"
3個選項 我分別是選
Amazon Prime、cancel Prime membership 、 other(因為看不到能選什麼)
[步驟6]最後最重要的就是 選 "Chat" 這樣才會有專人線上跟你對話
[步驟7]:進去後直接貼上這段(擷取瘋先生部落格文章) 線上客服就會很熱心幫你服務
"I started my amazon prime free trial a month ago, and recently found that you charged me $99 for this service. Then I realized that I forgot to cancel my prime membership but the sevice is uneconomic for me as I rarely buy things on amazon. I did not use this sevice any more after the trial period and $99 is not a small sum for me. Would you please be so kind to help me cancel my prime membership and give the money back to me?"
他會先跟你確認mail是否有收到信 要回他 "有"
他就會繼續說下去了 接下來 就一直謝謝他就可以了
結束後可以去收個mail 之後就等待2~3天
下個月帳單 果然已經扣除了 3900 日幣的費用了 哈